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Yankee doodle went to town

Oszd meg ezt a dalt az ismerőseiddel:


Yankee doodle went to town,
Riding on a pony;
He stuck a feather in his cap
And called it macaroni.

Yankee doodle doodle-doo,
Yankee doodle dandy;
All the lads and lassies are
As sweet as sugar candy.

(A továbbiak nincsenek a videón)

Marching in and marching out,
And marching round the town, O!
Here there comes a regiment
With Captain Thomas Brown, O!

Yankee doodle is a tune
That comes in mighty handy;
The enemy all runs away
At Yankee doodle dandy.


Yankee doodle went to town videó

Yankee doodle went to town kotta

A videó hangjának letöltése MP3-ban

Yankee doodle went to town lefordítása magyarra



Yankee doodle went to town

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Szelektív hulladékgyűjtés , papír, műanyag, fehér üveg, színes üveg , fém, italos kartondoboz, szárazelem, zöld hulladék